Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just One

Although I took these pictures only about a month ago, I really feel like I took these monthS ago! How time really flies! But I am finally posting them! :] 

If you did not already know, I use all natural lighting with absolutely no flash and love shooting in parks, fields and pretty places along side the road...but when Amy asked me to take her pictures we were at a friends adorable house and I have to admit I was wary about lighting I was pretty sure I had no worries about finding a beautiful background with a beautiful brick wall and an old wooden fence. I never should have worried about the lighting...these pictures turned out so much better than I had imagined! And although the other pictures turned out amazing as well, it is this first one that I have fallen in love with! The bricks, the algae growing on the bricks...oh! its a beautiful blend of colors and add in Amy's goreous brown eyes? Lovely. Sometimes its just one picture that makes the entire shoot...just one lovely picture.

.... looking forward to more brick walls in pictures to come!

and as Amy would say "Hugs"