Friday, April 8, 2011

Something Sweet

I have heard about the infamous Melissa and her beautiful family since I met her sister Kendra a little over a year ago and was so exited when she asked me to take pictures for her! I brought along balloons, GIANT lollipops, and my favorite childhood books...yes i do have an obsession with books! Haha! This family really is one of the sweetest families I have ever met! Their little boy was such a good sport smiling and standing exactly where we asked him too, he has one of the most darling smiles and his baby sister is so sweet! I just loved the outfits they brought for her especially the orange sweater her grandma made for her! Basically this family was a joy to photograph and I am so pleased with the results!

The Adorable Family

This is one of my favorites!

Isn't she adorable?

I just could not resist brining along my favorite books from when I was little!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just One

Although I took these pictures only about a month ago, I really feel like I took these monthS ago! How time really flies! But I am finally posting them! :] 

If you did not already know, I use all natural lighting with absolutely no flash and love shooting in parks, fields and pretty places along side the road...but when Amy asked me to take her pictures we were at a friends adorable house and I have to admit I was wary about lighting I was pretty sure I had no worries about finding a beautiful background with a beautiful brick wall and an old wooden fence. I never should have worried about the lighting...these pictures turned out so much better than I had imagined! And although the other pictures turned out amazing as well, it is this first one that I have fallen in love with! The bricks, the algae growing on the bricks...oh! its a beautiful blend of colors and add in Amy's goreous brown eyes? Lovely. Sometimes its just one picture that makes the entire shoot...just one lovely picture.

.... looking forward to more brick walls in pictures to come!

and as Amy would say "Hugs"

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Company and Conversation

"My idea of good company ... is the company of clever, well-informed people who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company." ~Jane Austen

We have been friends with this family since....well I can even remember! They are one of those families that when you all get talking you appreciate how you share a similar thought process! The shoot was SO much fun, the youngest kept everyone laughing with his model faces and ridiculous jokes. I loved how the pictures turned out and am soo exited to share them with you :]

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cute As A Button

 One of my favorite families to photograph recently had a little boy...he is adorable! The family already has three darling little girls and this little bug will add a new dynamic to the very girl friendly household...reminds me of me and my sisters growing up! His eyes were such a lovely, cloudy blue and he was completely alert to everything going on around him! I had never photographed a baby before and was so exited when she let me come over! He was so good but you could tell that afterwards he was not so sure he liked the crazy girl with the camera :]

Monday, January 10, 2011

Siblings and Shells

I've been friends with this girl for YEARS! Her family is so much fun and these pictures were a blast!! They wanted to take pictures for their mom for Christmas and these are the lovely results :]