Thursday, September 30, 2010

Scrabbled Picnics

For a class assignment i had to capture the different uses of color: decorative, utilitarian, and symbolic...i chose photography as my median and convinced my sister and her boyfriend to tag along as my models!

And then some pictures for fun....

Shoes, Balloons, and... Cupcakes?

This family asked me to take their family pictures...I was flattered, and yet really nervous! It was the first time I had been asked to take the pictures... usually I'm the one asking to TAKE the pictures! I wanted to use props that i felt represented the family... The girls, i had photographed before (seen HERE) and the entire family was so lovely to work with! The pictures turned out so fun and playful....I'm very pleased with them!

One of my favorites from the shoot!!

Girlish Giggles

This is one of the sweetest girls you will most likely ever meet...we always manage to laugh until our stomach hurts... basically we have so much fun together and this was one of the most adventurous shoots I have ever done! I asked her if I could take take pictures as a "Senior Picture Re-do" I'm really exited with the results!

One of my absolute favorites from the day

Her favorite 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Between the Pages of Books

This Lovely couple so graciously posed for me, willing to sit amongst the many books I brought from home! 

She just looked so adorable with all her reading material :)

I still LOVE the park simple and bright...yet full of character!

19 Miles and Counting

My parents have been married over 19 years now and I find there love for one another inspiring. They love each others faults, quirks, and everything in between and for that I'm forever grateful to them! One song that I always think of when it comes to the two of them is "Mirrors and Smoke" by Jars of Clay...the lyrics are so incredibly witty and honest i believe we all can relate!

The weather was odd during this shoot...the magnificent clouds kept coming and going...

"I blew flowers, gave you candy to even out the guilt
I sent you greeting cards with messages that I could never write
Rivers flow into the oceans
And oceans never fill
I want to let you know me
But I know I never will

Love's a contradiction
Many mirrors and smoke
Love will keep you wishing
My heart will keep me broke" 

~ Mirrors and Smoke (Jars of Clay)

Thanks to Elizabeth who tagged along for support :)

Never Such Devoted Sisters

Growing up the movie "White Christmas" was a favorite between me and my sisters...the one song that was sung year round was "Sisters, Sisters" and we plan on singing it the wedding of whomever gets married first! I am so bless with lovely sisters! My sister Elizabeth so kindly poses for many of my photos! Shes always willing to dress up in a colorful outfit and do pretty much whatever i ask! Meaghan on the other hand is not always so willing, yet we love her anyways!

Oldies But Goodies!

This picture is my absolute favorite from the entire shoot!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lovely Tidings

(According to Lovely : anything having a beauty that appeals to the heart or mind as well as to the eye

While other people have a favorite number or perhaps color, i have a favorite word: lovely. I adore the way one simple word can make a sentence sound so much more beautiful, exiting and slightly old fashioned! I was fisrt introduced to this delightful adjetive in Philipians 4:8 which says "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent, if anything is worthy of praise, think about such things." To me this verse captues everything perfect and I  hope to convey pieces of the beautiful world God has blessed us with through my photography. To me a photograph is just like any other piece of artwork in that it should create a powerful emotion to the viewer; and i dearly hope my pictures challange you look at the word a little differently and you begin seeing possibilities in odd, lovely little details...

Squares Cirlces and Triangles

The picture that started it all :)
(Taken March 2010)

The story is simple:

A girl (me!) had to create something completely creative incoorporating at least one square, circle, and triangle using any median. Easy. Or so I thought. But, this was not just any ordinary project, this was the project that would influance my acceptance to FIDM (The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise).  My project was due in less than a week and I still had no idea what I was going to do. And than inspiration came from an unlikely rain storm in usual sunny California, so I grabbed my sister, her silly yellow tights, my coat and her adorable umbrella and we went on an adventure. The outcome? This picture. Since then, I've been obsessed, making any and every excuse to collect items to use as props and take beautiufl pictures!
Oh and FIDM liked my picture too :]